I appreciate that it’s been a little while since we last posted something – but we have been insanely busy over the last couple of weeks. Saying that, it’s good to stop and reflect, every now and again, why we are doing this campaign.
As I look through the posts this morning, one in particular stands out. Stuart Swinney has this to say:
The more museum’s we get rid of the more history is lost and as we erode our history our youth will never understand the horror of war and when the history vanishes the fear will vanish setting our children up to repeat the disaster of another world war a war I may add that would be so large in loss of life that it would make WW1 WW2 look insignificant in comparison, we have a duty to provide the museum to the next generation and shame on us if we lose this valuable resource,and let’s not forget what these brave men and women did for us and our continued armed forces still do for us ,save the DLI museum .
And that perfectly sums up why we are campaigning. It’s easy to hear arguments that 600,000 visit Palace Green each year, but how many children will be taken to see the exhibitions? What will happen to the larger exhibits? How long before the exhibition is allowed to moulder away in a dusty cupboard, only seeing the light of day when researchers deign to dig into a single item?