HERE is the link for the report by Durham County Council regarding the ‘Future of DLI Museum Arrangements’ by: Terry Collins, Corporate Director Neighbourhood Services , & Cllr Neil Foster Portfolio Holder Economic Regeneration
The report is ‘detailed’ in length amounting to some fifteen pages (when including appendices) and covers the following points –
i) Purpose of the Report (Pts 1-3)
ii) Background (Pts 4-15)
iii) Material Considerations (Pts 16-35)
iv) Financial Implications (Pts 36-43)
v) HR Implications (Pts 44-49)
vi) Legal Implications (Pts 50-51)
vii) Accommodation Implications (Pts 52-55)
viii) Other Risks (Pts 56-62)
ix) Next Steps & Timetable (Pt 63)
x) Recommendations & Reasons (Pt 64)