This really is a fantastic community. One of the things that really impressed me when we kicked off the campaign to save the DLI is how many people volunteered time, services, talents and venues. There was no hesitation and no cajoling. When they heard about the proposed closure people stepped up and said “Not in my name”. This is something that DCC seemed to have lost sight of; the community spirit is still strong here in the North East.
I’d like to take this opportunity to single out one particular venue. Sherburn Village Working Mens Club immediately, and without hesitation, offered us the use of a room for committee meetings. We had our second meeting there last night and it was just fantastic, how warmly we were greeted. From the committee, I thank you. And for everyone else who offered there time or services, I thank you.
We are very concerned about the proposed closure of the Museum and have tried to donate some money. We find the internet rather like a foreign language and are not at all sure that we have done it properly. I know you need money quickly and as the only way to contribute appears to be by use of the internet, I think you might be missing out on many people who would willingly give but do not know how to do it. I would suggest that you give the alternative of writing a cheque and publicise to whom it should be made payable. Many older people are willing to give but do not have a computer. You are losing out if you exclude them. We wish you all the very best.R. + M. Purdom